How It Works
Lab tests aren’t unique. You can get them anywhere. What sets AXO apart is how our platform decodes your results and gives you a straightforward breakdown of how to cultivate a healthier lifestyle. Here’s how it works.

Optimize Your Health with AXO

Purchase your membership
Start your journey by creating an account and purchasing access to the AXO Biomarker Intelligence Platform.

Collect your data
Schedule your blood draw at any of our 2,000 partner lab locations or arrange a concierge draw within the comfort of your own home.

Get your recommendations
Generate personalized, actionable steps by taking our diagnostic quiz and linking your trackable smart devices.

Lab Tests
After submitting your lab sample, you can expect results within a few weeks. When they’re ready, you’ll be notified via email at which point you can review your results within your secure AXO dashboard.
Blood Health
Vital fluid responsible for your body’s essential functions, check white and red cell counts as well as deficiencies
Bands - Basophils (%) - Basophils (Abs) - Eosinophils (%) - Eosinophils (Abs) - Hematocrit
Attributed to many bodily functions including pH balance, muscle and nerve function, and heart rhythm
Calcium - Carbon Dioxide - Chloride - Potassium - Sodium
Kidney Health
Monitors kidney performance to help maintain the delicate balance of water, salts, and minerals
BUN - BUN/Creatinine - Creatinine - eGFR - Uric Acid
Liver Health
Health check for your body’s natural filter
Albumin - Albumin/Globulin Ratio - ALP - ALT - AST - Bilirubin - Globulin - Protein
Metabolic Health
Includes protein, enzyme, electrolyte, and mineral measurements
Cortisol - Glucose - Hemoglobin A1c - High-sensitivity C Reactive Protein (CRP) - Homocysteine - Insulin, Fasting
Fatty Acids
Helpful to determine a nutritional baseline by finding potential deficiencies
Arachidonic Acid - Arachidonic Acid/EPA Ratio - DHA - DPA - EPA - Linoleic Acid - Omega 3 Fatty Acids - Omega-6 - Total Omega-6/Omega-3 Ratio - OmegaCheck(TM)
Heart Health
Critical support for the rest of your body’s vital organs
Apolipoprotein A1 - Apolipoprotein B - Cholesterol, Total - HDL-Cholesterol - LDL-Cholesterol - Lipoprotein(a) - Lp-PLA2 Activity - Triglycerides - VLDL-Cholesterol
Thyroid Health
Impacts breathing, heart rate, weight, digestion, and mood
Free T4 Index (T7) - T3 Uptake % - T3, Free - T4 Free - T4 Total - Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
Hormonal Health
Hormones play a critical part in maintaining the body’s daily functions
DHEA Sulfate - Estradiol, Ultrasensitive - Free Testosterone - FSH - LH - Progesterone - PSA, Total - SHBG - Total Testosterone
Vitamins & Minerals
Essential elements and major proteins that hold significant diagnostic value
Ferritin - Folate, Blood - Folate, RBC - Iron - Iron Saturation - Magnesium, RBC - Total Iron-Binding Capacity - Unsaturated Iron-Binding Capacity - Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy
Biological Age
The true age of your cells, tissue, and organs
Phenotypical Age

Create an account

Start your journey by activating your account. After purchasing your panel, you’ll have access to the AXO Biomarker Intelligence Platform for one year so you can review your insights and track your progress.
Complete your diagnostic quiz

Answer the survey questions to populate optimization goals or decide for yourself and self-select your priorities. Results vary and include goals like living longer, building muscle, stress management, and improved sleep. You can change your goals at any time.
Collect your data

Link your trackable smart device to start seeing immediate insights. Then, schedule your blood draw at any of our 2,000 partner lab locations or arrange a concierge draw within the comfort of your own home.
Regain control of your health

Take action with your AXO personalized recommendations–actionable steps to implement within your daily routine–generated in alignment with your goals and Biomarker Intelligence Report, that will help you live a longer, healthier, fuller life.
Track your progress

Log into your secure, personalized dashboard at any time to review your Biomarker Intelligence Report, track your progress, and adjust your goals accordingly.
Founder's Package

Advanced Lab Panel with 100+ biomarkers
- Biomarkers to detect cardiovascular health, brain function, stress levels, and more
- Biomarker Intelligence Report indicating optimal and not optimal biomarker levels

Access to the Axo platform (billed annually)
- Integrate and track data from smart devices like Apple, Oura, FitBit, and more
- Easily review your lab results and track your progress over time

Personalized health recommendations based on your goals
- Optimal dietary and lifestyle changes based on your specific data
- Supplement recommendations and exclusive discounts
Create an account

Start your journey by activating your account. After purchasing your panel, you’ll have access to the AXO Biomarker Intelligence Platform for one year so you can review your insights and track your progress.
Complete your diagnostic quiz

Answer the survey questions to populate optimization goals or decide for yourself and self-select your priorities. Results vary and include goals like living longer, building muscle, stress management, and improved sleep. You can change your goals at any time.
Collect your data

Link your trackable smart device to start seeing immediate insights. Then, schedule your blood draw at any of our 2,000 partner lab locations or arrange a concierge draw within the comfort of your own home.
Regain control of your health

Take action with your AXO personalized recommendations–actionable steps to implement within your daily routine–generated in alignment with your goals and Biomarker Intelligence Report, that will help you live a longer, healthier, fuller life.
Track your progress

Log into your secure, personalized dashboard at any time to review your Biomarker Intelligence Report, track your progress, and adjust your goals accordingly.
Invest in a long life, well-lived with AXO
• Personalized Biomarker Intelligence Report
• Advanced lab testing of over 100 biomarkers
• Premium one-year membership

Advanced Lab Panel with 100+ biomarkers
- Biomarkers to detect cardiovascular health, brain function, stress levels, and more
- Biomarker Intelligence Report indicating optimal and not optimal biomarker levels

Access to the Axo platform (billed annually)
- Integrate and track data from smart devices like Apple, Oura, FitBit, and more
- Easily review your lab results and track your progress over time

Personalized health recommendations based on your goals
- Optimal dietary and lifestyle changes based on your specific data
- Supplement recommendations and exclusive discounts