About Axo
by Upgrade LabsTM

The Rest of Your Life Starts with AXO
Optimizing health and wellness in the most effective and accessible way possible
Instead of the basic human right that it should be, good health has become a luxury for so many.At AXO, we created this platform to deliver an autonomous approach to wellness. You’re the leading authority on your body, mind, and spirit–we’re just here to help you create the life you want. Reach optimal health outcomes through detailed health insights and recommendations generated specifically for you to help you achieve the goals you set.

“If you’re not feeling amazing, there is always a reason!” – Dave Asprey
About The Founder
Dave Asprey
AXO Founder and serial-entrepreneur, Dave Asprey is no stranger to health issues. Working in the cutthroat Silicon Valley tech industry, Dave’s early struggles with his weight and cognitive function led him to seek out alternative methods to improve his health and well-being.
That was over 30 years ago.
Since then, Dave’s passion for health optimization has led him to share what he’s learned to help people take control and start living their healthiest lives.

Founder's Package

Advanced Lab Panel with 100+ biomarkers
- Biomarkers to detect cardiovascular health, brain function, stress levels, and more
- Biomarker Intelligence Report indicating optimal and not optimal biomarker levels

Access to the Axo platform (billed annually)
- Integrate and track data from smart devices like Apple, Oura, FitBit, and more
- Easily review your lab results and track your progress over time

Personalized health recommendations based on your goals
- Optimal dietary and lifestyle changes based on your specific data
- Supplement recommendations and exclusive discounts